10 Things to do in 2019 - Resolutions null 'n' void.
It was, as far as I could ascertain the 23rd of December when “why not” decided to compile such a list, and though ego’s amp would prefer...
Old Skool Sex, Love and Instagram, and all of the above.
Fourteen years old- a formative year, a walk don’t run year, in many respects an inordinate length of juvenile time, and as such, losing...
I Speak Fluent Dude. (cert: R18 -unapologetically forthright)
What is ‘Fluent Dude’? For those that don’t know, fittingly they are the only ones to ask that question; of which is not exactly a...
The Game - When Everything, Is Not As It Seems -
...All very taxing, all very internal struggle, all lots to lookout for from a vantage point that can appear deceivingly dim,.. The...
How to stay clean, in muddy waters.
But the most ready and apt metaphor for the suspicion to which the socio-bearing is subject. ‘ Muddy waters’- confusing situations - of...